Blue and purple are both cool colors that can create a beautiful and calming color palette when used together. They work so well together because they appear next to each other on the color wheel so they have a harmonious feel to them.
Fun Fact! Colors that appear next to each other on the color wheel are known as analogous colors.
Blue and purple color palettes are a great choice if you want to create a color combination focused on relaxation, wellness, and serenity.
Lighter shades of purple combined with pastel blues colors create a soft and romantic feel with light purple shades such as lavender and lilac being popular choices for romantic celebrations and products that promote luxury and relaxation.
Dark purple shades such as eggplant and plum create a more dramatic and mysterious effect and when combined with blue can make your journaling pages really stand out!
If you find these blue and purple color palettes helpful, please pin them!
We would appreciate it 🙂
Blue And Purple Color Palettes
While a blue and purple color palette might not immediately come to mind when choosing colors it certainly can’t be overlooked!
Here you will find a collection of purple and blue color palettes along with a color swatch table with each color’s hex code so that you can begin using the color you like in your designs straight away!
If you would like more ideas, don’t forget to check out the color palette library where you can search all our color palettes by color!
Flower Inspiration
#0F1C60 | #1A5598 | #625CCE | #6481D9 | #89B5E5 |
Pastel Purples and Blues
#3E5282 | #6C81C0 | #84A5E3 | #8B83C6 | #B5A5D7 |
Brighter Pastels
#A389D4 | #D7BEF5 | #E1CEFB | #8ADEF6 | #B7EAFC |
Vibrant & Colorful
#9B4BB7 | #AE99D6 | #D3D3F2 | #6AA1DA | #97E6EA |
Paint On Canvas
#0A497C | #65A0C5 | #6436A5 | #9370BF | #B29BCB |
#5772CB | #4087C4 | #7647DE | #7560D6 | #A095F0 |
Dark, Bold, And Moody
#02327C | #064994 | #53007A | #AD01C3 | #9F72D4 |
Final Thoughts
I hope you enjoyed our collection of blue and purple color palettes! Both these colors are so versatile and can be used in so many different ways. By using them in the same color palette you can create luxurious color combinations that range from bright and bold to subtle and soft.
These palettes really help to see what color combos I like. Esp when I dress more for my mood and where I am going.
I’m glad you like our palettes Glenda – Thanks for stopping by!