11 Calming Blue And Green Color Palettes

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Both blue and green are cool colors that are soothing and calming and when paired together they create blue and green color combinations that range from simple and minimalist, all the way to bold and vibrant!

In this article, you will find a collection of gorgeous blue and green color palettes! For each color palette, I’ve included the hex color codes in a table below each image so that you can begin using and experimenting with the blue-green color combinations straight away.

If you find these blue and yellow color palettes helpful, please pin them!
We would appreciate it 🙂

Green and Blue Color Palettes Pinterest Pin

Green and Blue Color Palette Ideas

Bright & Bold

Bright blue green color palette


Sunrise green blue color palette


Pastel green and blue color palette

Ocean-Inspired Teal

Ocean green blue color palette

Organic Agite

Agite with gray, green, blue color palette

Bright & Contrasted

Bold blue green color scheme

Pink Accents

Blue and green color palette with pink accent colors

Sunflower Inspiration

Sunflower blue and green color palette with yellow accents

Brown Accents

Muted blue green color scheme


Earthy toned blue and green color palette

Red Accents

Green and blue color palette with red and orange accents

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Final Thoughts

By combining green and blue you can create gorgeous color combinations for just about any mood and taste! I hope you have found inspiration with these blue-green combinations, let me know in the comments section below!

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