110 Manifestation Affirmations to Help You Attract Abundance and Success

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Manifestation is the process of using your thoughts, beliefs, and intentions to create the life of your dreams, and manifestation affirmations are a powerful tool to help you achieve this!

But, what exactly are affirmations?  Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself to reprogram your subconscious mind and align your thoughts and beliefs with your desires. 

By using manifestation affirmations consistently, you can train your mind to focus on the positive things in your life, overcome limiting beliefs, and attract abundance, happiness, and success in your world. 

Combine these affirmations with journaling and you have a winning combination!

In this article, you will find 110 manifestation affirmations that you can use to begin transforming your thinking right away!  We’ve tried to sort the affirmations into categories to make it easier for you to find the types of affirmations you are looking for.

Dig Deeper With Our Powerful Manifestation Prompts & Exercises

Manifestation Affirmation Examples

Before we begin, let’s take a quick look at some manifestation affirmation examples that you can use and edit to make your own. These examples state what your goal is and then give reasons why your success is within reach which can be very powerful!  

  • I can achieve my goal of starting my own business because I have the skills, passion, and determination to succeed.
  • I can achieve my goal to travel the world because I have saved money, planned ahead, and am open to new experiences.
  • I can achieve my goal to become a bestselling author because I have a vivid imagination and the ability to write engaging stories.
  • I can achieve my goal of completing my degree and starting a successful career because I work hard and am committed to success.
  • I can achieve my goal to own a beachside property because I have a clear vision of what I want and am taking steps to make it a reality.
  • I can achieve my goal to run a marathon because I have trained diligently and believe in my ability to push through challenges.
  • I can achieve my goal to manifest my dream job because I have a clear vision of what I want and am taking consistent action towards it.
  • I can achieve my goal to attract my soulmate because I am open to love and have worked on becoming the best version of myself.
  • I can achieve my goal to improve my physical health because I am committed to exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet.

Manifestation Affirmations & Exercises

And now for the affirmations!  Use these in your manifestation journal and don’t forget to check out our visualization prompts and exercises if you would like to explore further!

Abundance & Gratitude

  • I am worthy of abundance and prosperity.
  • I trust that the universe will provide me with everything I need.
  • I am grateful for the abundance in my life.
  • I attract wealth and success easily.
  • I am a magnet for abundance and prosperity.
  • My income is constantly increasing.
  • I am financially free and independent.
  • I have more than enough money to live my dream life.
  • I am surrounded by abundance and prosperity.
  • I am a money magnet and I attract wealth easily.
  • I am happy, healthy, wealthy and loved!
  • I am grateful for the blessings in my life, and I welcome more abundance and joy.
  • I am grateful for the beauty of nature and the world around me.
  • I am grateful for my home and the comfort it brings me.
  • I am grateful for my talents and abilities, and I use them to make a positive impact in the world.
  • I am grateful for the simple pleasures in life, like a good cup of coffee, a warm bath, or a good book.
  • I am grateful for the gift of life itself, and I make the most of every day, living it to the fullest with purpose and intention.

Practice gratitude by starting a Gratitude Journal! Use our gratitude journaling prompts to help you get started!

Career and Success

  • I am successful in all aspects of my career.
  • I am confident and capable in my work.
  • I am a leader in my field and a role model for others.
  • I am respected and admired by my colleagues.
  • I am fulfilled and satisfied with my job.
  • I am constantly learning and growing in my career.
  • I am making a positive impact in my industry.
  • I am financially rewarded for my hard work and dedication.
  • I have a successful business that brings me joy and prosperity.
  • I am a visionary leader who inspires others to achieve their dreams
  • I am a lifelong learner and love to learn new things.
  • I am proud of my accomplishments and progress.
  • I am a creative and innovative thinker.
  • I am a problem solver and can overcome any obstacle.
  • I am a fast learner and can pick up new skills quickly.
  • I am a team player and work well with others.
  • I am a leader and can inspire others to achieve their dreams.
  • I am a risk-taker and am not afraid to take chances.
  • I am resilient and can bounce back from failure.
  • I am a flexible and adaptable person.
  • I am a goal-setter and can achieve anything I set my mind to.
  • I am a fast worker and can get things done efficiently.
  • I am a detail-oriented person and can catch mistakes easily.
  • I am a creative problem solver and can think outside the box.
  • I am a responsible and reliable person.

Tip! Use journaling prompts for self-improvement and success to help you get ahead!

Health and Wellness

  • I am healthy and have a strong body, mind, and spirit.
  • I trust that my body can heal itself.
  • I am grateful for my health and wellness.
  • I take care of my body and it takes care of me.
  • I am full of energy and vitality.
  • I am confident in my ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • I am surrounded by people who support my health and wellness.
  • I am a role model for healthy living.
  • I am comfortable in my own skin and love my body.
  • I am at peace with my body and celebrate its strengths.
  • I am grateful for my health and well-being, and I take care of myself with self-love and self-care.


  • I attract loving and supportive relationships.
  • I trust that the right people will come into my life.
  • I am grateful for the loving relationships in my life.
  • I am a supportive and caring friend and partner.
  • I am confident in my ability to communicate effectively.
  • I am surrounded by people who uplift and inspire me.
  • I am surrounded by people who believe in me.
  • I am a positive influence on the people around me.
  • I am open and receptive to new relationships.
  • I am comfortable with intimacy and vulnerability.
  • I am a strong and independent person who attracts healthy relationships.
  • I am worthy of love and respect.
  • I am a good listener and can empathize with others.
  • I am a supportive and encouraging person.
  • I am a happy and positive person and radiate joy and happiness to those around me.
  • I am grateful for the people in my life who love and support me, and I am grateful for the opportunity to do the same for them.

Explore your relationships and make them better with relationship journal prompts!

Personal Growth

  • I am constantly learning and growing.
  • I trust that I have the ability to change my life.
  • I am grateful for the opportunities for growth in my life.
  • I am confident in my ability to overcome challenges.
  • I am resilient and can bounce back from setbacks.
  • I am surrounded by people who support my personal growth.
  • I am a role model for personal development.
  • I am committed to becoming the best version of myself.
  • I am open to new experiences and perspectives.
  • I am at peace with myself and celebrate my strengths and weaknesses.
  • I am confident in my ability to succeed.
  • I am a positive influence on the world.
  • I am a creative and artistic person.
  • I am a kind and compassionate person.
  • I am grateful for the lessons I have learned and the growth I have experienced, and I am open to new lessons and growth.

Happiness and Joy

  • I am happy and content with my life.
  • I trust that I have the power to create my own happiness.
  • I am grateful for the joy in my life.
  • I attract positive experiences and people who bring joy to my life.
  • I am confident in my ability to create a life I love.
  • I am surrounded by people who bring me joy.
  • I am a source of happiness and positivity for others.
  • I am comfortable with expressing my emotions.
  • I am at peace with my life and celebrate its blessings.
  • I am a magnet for positive experiences and relationships.


  • I am connected to a higher power and the universe.
  • I can feel the love of God surrounding me.
  • I trust that everything happens for a reason.
  • I can see the abundance of God in the natural world around me.
  • I am grateful for the spiritual lessons in my life.
  • I am confident in my ability to connect with my higher self.
  • I am surrounded by positive people who support my spiritual growth.
  • I am committed to living a life of purpose and meaning.
  • I am open to spiritual experiences and perspectives.
  • I am at peace with my spiritual path and celebrate its blessings.


Manifestation affirmations are a powerful tool to help you transform your thinking and your life!  By consistently repeating positive affirmations you can begin working towards a more abundant happy and successful future.  Remember to focus on affirmations that resonate with you and help you to feel good.  Focus on the positive aspects of your life, be specific about what you want in the future, and believe that it is possible!