101 Gorgeous Christian Journal Ideas and Examples (With Tips & Tricks For Inspiration)

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If you’ve been following along with our previous articles on Christian journaling, you know that this powerful practice can be a game-changer for your faith.

We’ve explored the many reasons why Christians should try journaling, from deepening your relationship with God to even reducing stress and anxiety. And we’ve even provided a beginner’s guide to help you get started.

But now that you’ve dipped your toes into the world of Christian journaling, you might be wondering: what’s next?

How can you take your journaling to the next level by infusing it with your own creativity and personality?

That’s where this article comes in!

I decided it would be an awesome idea to put together a collection of beautiful Christian journal ideas and examples that you can draw from for inspiration. I’ve also included some tips and tricks in between the Christian journal examples to give you some ideas you can try in your own journal.

But before we begin, if you find these ideas helpful, please pin this page so you can come back to it for more inspiration later!

Christian journaling ideas Pinterest pin

Let’s begin!

And now onto the ideas! I’ve included colorful journals, prayer journals, bible study journals, and more!

Browse through them, find ones that resonate with you, and use these ideas to help you create pages in your own journal.

Remember Christian journaling is a very personal way to connect with God in a meaningful way so don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things!

#1 Get creative with color, fonts, and doodles, and include your favorite bible verses!

#2 Write a letter to God, thanking him for everything you are grateful for!

#3 Include bible verses to reflect and meditate on.

#4 Go big and bold and create a whole page dedicated to your favorite bible verses!

#5 Create a page to remind you about God’s promises.

#6 Use natural elements in your designs such as the ocean, flowers, rainbows, etc to decorate your pages.

#7 Include some of your favorite quotes and sayings.

#8 Get serious and remind yourself about how awesome God is!

#9 Yes, God is bigger than everything that you have to deal with in your life!

#10 Create a section in your journal dedicated to your favorite book of the bible.

#11 Create a Christian vision board in your journal to remind you of your goals and your vision for the future.

#12 Create pages dedicated to your favorite heroes from the Bible… Get started with Jesus 😉

#13 Create a page or section in your journal dedicated to something you are struggling with. Include verses to help you!

#14 Choose something in your life that is important to you and study what the Bible teaches us about it.

#15 Create a beautiful cover page to decorate your journal.

#16 Choose a theme from the bible and include lots of verses to meditate on.

#17 Write your prayers down and decorate them with color and doodles.

#18 Create a collage of different magazine clippings and printables.

#19 Create a page of biblical affirmations that you can use throughout your day to help remind you of just how special you are and how much God loves you!

#20 Create a page dedicated to bible verses you can reference when you aren’t having a great day.

#21 Use colors and different fonts to bring your pages to life and highlight important info.

#22 Create pages around specific holidays such as Christmas and Easter when we celebrate Christ.

#23 Create prayer lists.

#24 Create prayer journal pages with sections for giving thanks and praise as well as for your worries and your confessions.

#25 Create a journal page reminding yourself about how important prayer is!

#26 Create a page listing Christian virtues that are important to you and include bible verses for reference.

#27 Create a colorful Bible study on specific verses or themes in the Bible.

#28 Create pages celebrating famous people from the Bible.

#29 Create pages focused on relationships in your life.

#30 Create pages dedicated to the godly characteristics you want to develop within yourself.

#31 Create pages reminding yourself about how much God loves you and what His death on the cross means.

#32 Create pages praising God!

#33 Sometimes negative self-talk can make you forget God’s promises. Create a page reminding yourself of exactly how God sees you and what he promises you.

Added points if you can find as many Bible verses as possible to back up each thing you can think of!

#34 Create pages celebrating just how big God is and how he has control over everything!

#35 Choose a word from the Bible and explore its meaning.

#36 Create a journal page celebrating God’s attributes!

#37 Create a page dedicated to something you need to be reminded of.

#38 Doodle, Doodle, and Doodle some more!

#39 Who said your Bible and church notes need to be boring?!

#40 Create a page dedicated to Bible verses about trusting God.

That’s It!

I really hope that you enjoyed this collection of Christian journaling ideas! If you did, please drop me a comment down below and let me know! And please pin it or share it with your journaling friends!

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