Black is one of those colors that is mysterious, sophisticated, and elegant and it can add a sleek and modern look to any design! Black is incredibly versatile and it can be used in a variety of different ways with many different color combinations to create the perfect color palette.
In this article, we are going to look at the many different shades of black that you can get along with each black color’s name as well as its corresponding black hex code and RGB value.

Black Color Swatch
This is what traditional black looks like:
Black Hex Code: #000000
Black RGB Code: RGB(0,0,0)
Shades Of Black Color Codes
Believe it or not, there are actually quite a few of different shades of black! From deep and rich shades to lighter shades that add a little bit more color to the shade. These colors are great to use in your shadow work journal to help you express feelings and emotions that you can’t find words for.
Our black color chart contains over 90 different shades of black and includes the black hex codes along with each color’s name and RGB values.
Black | #000000 | RGB( 0, 0, 0 ) |
Aesthetic Black | #1C1C1E | RGB( 28, 28, 30 ) |
Alien Black | #1A2228 | RGB( 26, 34, 40 ) |
Asphalt | #0C0404 | RGB( 12, 4, 4 ) |
Black Chocolate | #1B1811 | RGB( 27, 24, 17 ) |
Black Blue | #1A1E28 | RGB( 26, 30, 40 ) |
Black Denim | #191C27 | RGB( 25, 28, 39 ) |
Black Hole | #060605 | RGB( 6, 6, 5 ) |
Black Magic | #0B0510 | RGB( 11, 5, 16 ) |
Black Pearl | #0E161A | RGB( 14, 22, 26 ) |
Black Rock | #010127 | RGB( 1, 1, 39 ) |
Carbon Black | #0C0A00 | RGB( 12, 10, 0 ) |
Cool Black | #151922 | RGB( 21, 25, 34 ) |
Crow | #0D0907 | RGB( 13, 9, 7 ) |
Cynical Black | #171717 | RGB( 23, 23, 23 ) |
Dark Black | #010203 | RGB( 1, 2, 3 ) |
Black Russian | #24252B | RGB( 36, 37, 43 ) |
Blackstrap Molasses | #2B2523 | RGB( 43, 37, 35 ) |
Blue Charcoal | #262B2F | RGB( 38, 43, 47 ) |
Bright Black | #222024 | RGB( 34, 32, 36 ) |
Dark Raisin | #1A0F0F | RGB( 26, 15, 15 ) |
Deep Black | #050203 | RGB( 5, 2, 3 ) |
Dull Black | #161616 | RGB( 22, 22, 22 ) |
Eerie Black | #1B1B1B | RGB( 27, 27, 27 ) |
Electric Black | #292929 | RGB( 41, 41, 41 ) |
Fashion Black | #060403 | RGB( 6, 4, 3 ) |
Frost Black | #191C20 | RGB( 25, 28, 32 ) |
Glossy Black | #252324 | RGB( 37, 35, 36 ) |
Gothic Grape | #120321 | RGB( 18, 3, 33 ) |
Graphite Black | #27292B | RGB( 39, 41, 43 ) |
Grease | #080806 | RGB( 8, 8, 6 ) |
Heavy Gray | #050505 | RGB( 5, 5, 5 ) |
Ink Black | #212122 | RGB( 33, 33, 34 ) |
Ivory Black | #231F20 | RGB( 35, 31, 32 ) |
Jade | #000302 | RGB( 0, 3, 2 ) |
Kokushoku | #171412 | RGB( 23, 20, 18 ) |
Lamp Black | #231F20 | RGB( 46, 71, 59 ) |
Leather | #0B0705 | RGB( 11, 7, 5 ) |
Licorice | #1A1110 | RGB( 26, 17, 16 ) |
Luxury Black | #060D0D | RGB( 6, 13, 13 ) |
Metal | #0E0C0A | RGB( 14, 12, 10 ) |
Metropolis | #1A1A1A | RGB( 26, 26, 26 ) |
Natural Black | #07000B | RGB( 7, 0, 11 ) |
Neutral Black | #0B0B0B | RGB( 11, 11, 11 ) |
Night | #0C090A | RGB( 12, 9, 10 ) |
Night Shadow | #1C1C1C | RGB( 28, 28, 28 ) |
Obsidian | #020403 | RGB( 2, 4, 3 ) |
Pastel Black | #1D1C1A | RGB( 29, 28, 26 ) |
Pitch Black | #27251F | RGB( 39, 37, 31 ) |
Power Black | #0E0C01 | RGB( 14, 12, 1 ) |
Premium Black | #100E09 | RGB( 16, 14, 9 ) |
Raisin Black | #242124 | RGB( 36, 33, 36 ) |
Raven | #050301 | RGB( 5, 3, 1 ) |
Refresh Black | #111212 | RGB( 17, 18, 18 ) |
Retro Black | #1F201F | RGB( 31, 32, 31 ) |
Reversed Gray | #080808 | RGB( 8, 8, 8 ) |
Rich Black | #010B13 | RGB( 1, 11, 19 ) |
Rustic Black | #1B1A16 | RGB( 27, 26, 22 ) |
Sable | #060606 | RGB( 6, 6, 6 ) |
Signal Black | #2B2B2C | RGB( 43, 43, 44 ) |
Slate | #26282A | RGB( 38, 40, 42 ) |
Smoky Black | #100C08 | RGB( 16, 12, 8 ) |
Soot | #160D08 | RGB( 22, 13, 8 ) |
Spider | #040200 | RGB( 4, 2, 0 ) |
Stout | #0F0B0A | RGB( 15, 11, 10 ) |
Tap Shoe | #2A2B2D | RGB( 42, 43, 45 ) |
Tea Bag | #161311 | RGB( 22, 19, 17 ) |
Tech Black | #0D0E0E | RGB( 13, 14, 14 ) |
Tornado Cloud | #121213 | RGB( 18, 18, 19 ) |
True Black | #0A0B0B | RGB( 10, 11, 11 ) |
Vampire Black | #0F0404 | RGB( 15, 4, 4 ) |
Void | #010207 | RGB( 1, 2, 7 ) |
Walnut Hull | #1B1813 | RGB( 27, 24, 19 ) |
Wet Suit | #080706 | RGB( 8, 7, 6 ) |
Wind Cave | #1F2024 | RGB( 31, 32, 36 ) |
Woodsmoke | #2B3230 | RGB( 43, 50, 48 ) |
Yacht Club Black | #222627 | RGB( 34, 38, 39 ) |
Young Night | #232323 | RGB( 35, 35, 35 ) |
Iridium | #3D3C3A | RGB( 61, 60, 58 ) |
Iron Black | #343432 | RGB( 52, 52, 50 ) |
Off Black | #313639 | RGB( 89, 86, 82 ) |
Panda Black | #3C4748 | RGB( 60, 71, 72 ) |
Warm Black | #004242 | RGB( 0, 66, 66 ) |
Charleston Green | #232B2B | RGB( 35, 43, 43 ) |
Dark Jungle Green | #1A2421 | RGB( 26, 36, 33 ) |
Black Leather Jacket | #253529 | RGB( 37, 53, 41 ) |
Black Green | #303D3A | RGB( 48, 61, 58 ) |
Black Olive | #3B3C36 | RGB( 59, 60, 54 ) |
Basalt Black | #4D423E | RGB( 77, 66, 62 ) |
Zinnwaldite Brown | #2C1608 | RGB( 44, 22, 8 ) |
Midnight | #2B1B17 | RGB( 43, 27, 23 ) |
Black Bean | #3D0C02 | RGB( 61, 12, 2 ) |
Black Raspberry | #451425 | RGB( 69, 20, 37 ) |
Black Red | #3D2022 | RGB( 61, 32, 34 ) |
Black Plum | #362B32 | RGB( 54, 43, 50 ) |
Cafe Americano | #362819 | RGB( 54, 40, 25 ) |
Black Cat | #413839 | RGB( 65, 56, 57 ) |
Black Cow | #4C4646 | RGB( 76, 70, 70 ) |
Black Eel | #463E3F | RGB( 70, 62, 63 ) |
Black Grain | #2C2C2A | RGB( 44, 44, 42 ) |
Onyx | #353839 | RGB( 53, 56, 57 ) |
Black Gray | #303234 | RGB( 48, 50, 52 ) |
Blackberry | #3A3A38 | RGB( 58, 58, 56 ) |
Dark Charcoal | #333333 | RGB( 51, 51, 51 ) |
Black Coral | #54626F | RGB( 84, 98, 111 ) |
How Is Black Created?
Black is created when there is no color at all. Sounds strange but think of it this way, when there is no light, everything is black. And because light is made up of color, by removing the light you remove the color. So when black is created, all color is removed. Likewise, when you mix all of the colors together, you create white!
Black Hex Code
Hex codes are used to specify how much color is contained within a specific shade and are displayed in the following format #RRGGBB. Hex codes use the letters A-F and the numbers 0-9 to specify how much color is contained within the color with F meaning that the color is completely saturated and 0 meaning that the color isn’t used at all.
The black hex code is #000000.
From black’s hex code, you can see that it contains no red, green, or blue in its color code.
Black RGB Code
Just like the black hex codes, the RGB code also specifies how much red, green, and blue are contained within a specific color. RGB codes are displayed in the following format RGB(RR,GG,BB).
The Black RGB Code is RGB(0,0,0,).
Learn More About The Color Black!
Learn more about different ways to use the color black by checking out our other resources:
Final Thoughts
Black is an incredibly versatile color that is used in many different ways in logos, branding, and marketing. In color psychology, it creates a sense of elegance and sophistication, minimalism and simplicity, authority and power, edginess, and rebellion, or classic and timeless style. When you use black strategically, it helps you to connect with your target audience in a meaningful way.